Agile Lounge Event – Deliver What’s Right

Delivering the Right Value with:

Agile Lounge Edu™ training, education and key workshops in Scrum and business agility.

Agile Lounge Pro™ our services for professionals, owners. leaders, teams and companies who want to take their products. projects and experiences to the next level. Agile Lounge Pro is also our SP for project management of migration and optimization of contact centers, digital transformation and high-level e-commerce.

Agile Intelligence™ our effective approach to help you evaluate the adoption of value delivery in agile mode and with Scrum.  Agile Intelligence is also a virtual and professional assistant for business decisions and deliverable tracking.

CCaaS™: Coaching and Consulting agility as a Service – Our innovation of mandate on demand, freelance and efficient and punctual value delivery. Our CCaaS is highly appreciated by CFOs and COOs!

Eventi™ for all your corporate events, kick-off, open space, ask us!

Agile Lounge Locations: Opening a new space for coaching and workshops Agile Lounge West in Shaugnessy Village, downtown west Montréal

Much more, to discover here:


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