Business Agility is The Future of Management (Leadership)

In this Special Episode of the Dare Real Agile Podcast, Coach AF shares his thoughs on the importance of changing management to leadership using Business Agility Principle in the upcoming economy of knowledge. If you want to thrive over survive, your better adopte this way of thinking and working. PLUS! Alexandre Frédéric will read you […]
The Agile movement… is NOT very Agile!

It’s been seven long years since the late Mike Beedle #MikeBeedle first discussed the concept of a “pseudo-community.” Now, it’s time to revisit this topic and expose the false exchanges of ideas and nonsense that occur on social networks like LinkedIn (OUT) about the A-Word or the ‘’Movement’’. As a consultant, it’s our duty to […]
7 Steps to Achieve Super Success and Freedom Lifestyle

Coach AF shares 7 steps for anyone who would like to become Entrepreneur and live a freedom lifestyle as an achiever. Contrasting with the mainstream domain of failure culture, this achiever divergent culture wishes to spark you into a winner and successful super culture! Join Alexandre Frédéric Joly for Friday Live Agile to uncover the […]
Five Myths about Business Agility

This week Coach AF will share five myths about business agility is getting from Prospects, Clients and Students Buy my Guests and me a Coffee To all innovative and High potential Minds out there. Love 🧡 Want to see our Guests and Coach AF? We’re LIVE Every Friday at Noon ET/11 AM Central SUBSCRIBE […]
A funny, not so fictional story, of a consultant explaining that agile is not so a methodology to a PMI member

I take the time from the airport to read and I was urge to write to you about a nice debate we could have had in another context of our last workshop on Wednesday. I remind you that the goal of where we’ve meet Wednesday was an assessment workshop on capacity and maturity of going […]