En Avant 2025 – Je Quitte le Mouvement Agile

C’est avec une certaine mélancolie et une réflexion approfondie que je vous écris aujourd’hui pour annoncer ma démission officielle du mouvement Agile, tel qu’il est devenu. Cette décision, bien que difficile, marque la fin d’un chapitre qui a profondément façonné ma carrière et ma vision du travail collaboratif. Dans mes blogs et podcasts, notamment “Death […]

Onward 2025 – I am Leaving the Agile Movement

I Am Stepping Away from the Agile Movement It is with a mix of nostalgia and solemn reflection that I share this decision: I am officially stepping away from my active participation in the Agile movement as it exists today. This choice, while deeply personal, is not made lightly. It marks the end of a […]

Craftsmanship & Collaboration with TRON 2025 — Breaking the System with AGORA

Have we forgotten one of the core principles of the Agile Manifesto? One of the original 12 Agile principles calls for collaboration between IT professionals and business professionals people to deliver value to the customer. This was, and still is, a unifying goal of the agile movement. But where are we now? How did software […]

Agora for a Responsible Agility

For an AGORA: Academy for a new Governance with Open Space and Responsible Actions in the World of Work and Business Leadership(Proposition for Agora 2025) This Special Episode is a Value Proposition and an Invitation to all high potential people willing to have a say, in advising the world on the importance of Business Agility […]

Futur Composé pour une Alliance d’Agilité Responsable

Pour une Alliance d’Agilité Responsable – Un Café avec Frédéric 11 (Proposition Agora 2025) C’est Frédéric, J’aimerais te parler et échanger sur l’actualités, des commentaires, des stratégies sur l’agilité d’affaire, l’innovation technologique et le leadership ouvert, libre et décentralisé. Ce mois-ci, j’aimerais te parler de quelque chose de très transformatif et te proposer une Alliance […]

What Do Blockchain, AI, and Business Agility Have in Common?

“What Do #Blockchain, #AI, & #BusinessAgility Have in Common?” Join me, Alexandre Frédéric Joly, as I dive into the fascinating intersection of these transformative forces. With over 20 years of experience in Business Agility and hands-on insights into cutting-edge technologies, I’ll unpack how Blockchain and AI are reshaping industries—and how Agility is the key to […]

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