Coach AF & Friends REACT to The Agile Paradoxon

Coach AF’s latest episode features Harold Shinsato and Rijon Erickson discussing the short film “The Agile Paradoxon” by Stripped Giraf. The film sparked a conversation about what went wrong with the agile revolution promise made 23 years ago. They discuss whether agile has become a cult or process religion and the dark era issues of […]
Agile is the New Waterfall

AF is calling for an Agile Renaissance™ at his Agile Boston Talk this month. It has been 23 years since the Manifesto for Agile Software Development and IT Project Management was written. What lessons have we learned? What actions should we take? Are our employee’s happy and customers satisfied? Alexandre Frédéric Joly will share his […]
The Death of an Agile Coach

Coach AF is Back in IRL Livestream and this week, inspired by Arthur Miller, play “The Death of a Salesman” written in 1948, Alexandre would like to, authentically and with courage address what’s wrong with Agile Coaching. As always, after calling out a weakness, Coach AF will propose a valuable solution. NOTE: No Agile coach […]
Back to the Office or Remote Work?

This month Episode of the Dare Real Agile Podcast bring us to these questions: What’s in it for me ? What’s in it for Them ? To go back to the Office? To commute again Downtown ? Let’s talk about it and more on that Fake Debate around Working from Home or Remote Work. Or […]
Decentralize Now!

This Month’s Episode: Coach AF left the Business Agility Institute because of unshared values, and announce his summer chill break and a tech diet. Alexandre Frédéric Joly goes on to showcase 3 initiatives of next-level decentralization ongoing. Finally, Alexandre Frédéric Joly welcomes Daniel Mezick to discuss Decentralize Now proposition of actions with Open Patterns at […]
The Tech Diet of An Agile Coach

In this Special Calm Episode, I simply want to give you a direct message of gratitude. Summer breeze. Announcing the tech diet of an agile coach, for a real retrospective, and be back like a Phoenix, for my new business year.Everyone approved of that since it was obvious I couldn’t be too careful. Nolite Te Bastardes […]