The Tech Diet of An Agile Coach

In this Special Calm Episode, I simply want to give you a direct message of gratitude. Summer breeze. Announcing the tech diet of an agile coach, for a real retrospective, and be back like a Phoenix, for my new business year.Everyone approved of that since it was obvious I couldn’t be too careful. Nolite Te Bastardes […]

Four Signs Your Agile Coach is FAKE!

In this Special Episode, Coach AF goes on giving you Four Signs Your Agile Coach is Fake!  This is a tale inspired by Our Exclusive and Innovative Talent Agile™ Workshops  After this Episode and that Training, you won’t be fooled anymore by agile hustler and Con Agile Coach! Trust me! They are masters of deception: […]

PRIDE month, DEI, Divergence, and Business Agility

Pride Month? What are we PROUD of, exactly? Should Business Agility with Conscious Leadership enough to take CARE of DEI? In this Special Episode, Coach AF aka Alexandre Frédéric Joly will be having an Open Conversation on that subject of pride to be a fringe, even sharing his memory of coming out as bisexual back, […]

Qu’est-ce qu’agile ?

C’est quoi agile ? C’est quoi l’agilité? C’est pour qui? Pourquoi? Ça vient d’où ? Et si nous mettions un peu de clarté pour une route plus simple et direct ? Une introduction agnostique et objective Agile est un ensemble de 4 valeurs et 12 principes qui donnent aux personnes, aux équipes et aux organisations une […]

The Agile movement… is NOT very Agile!

It’s been seven long years since the late Mike Beedle #MikeBeedle first discussed the concept of a “pseudo-community.” Now, it’s time to revisit this topic and expose the false exchanges of ideas and nonsense that occur on social networks like LinkedIn (OUT) about the A-Word or the ‘’Movement’’. As a consultant, it’s our duty to […]

Five Keys for Creating High Performance Teams with Scrum

Scrum is a Dream Team Activator. Yes! Because Scrum is the best system for building high performanceTeams. And, not just for IT and DEV techy teams. Wakey, Wakey, this week Coach AF dives into 5 key elements from his 23 years of experience building and serving teams! Want to Watch this Episode in Video?  Hit […]

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