An Introspective & Call for a Next Level Agile

On a Saturday morning after a run on the beach in Playa del Carmen, I sat down in one of my favorite café and write:

Do you believe that Reflection and Call to Elevate Agile Practices are necessary? Or is it just me who feels this way? I am curious to know your thoughts as I share my perspective with our community of practice.

I’ve been practicing production and delivery systems and frameworks for “projects” for almost 22 years when we should be writing Products and Services.
Yes, although there are a lot of consultants who sell you or talk about an agile project, in fact, the agility that is based on the customer experience, offers products and services to them. So, I believe it is more appropriate to write products and services. We do not buy or sell projects, and more and more customers are demanding a quality experience with our products and service and their deliveries!
All of these systems were created by people who were tired of failing miserably.

For several years, teams experimented with these systems and adapted them and even created new working frameworks. Their egos sadly caused clan wars to break out.

One day, 17 engineers and consultants, creators of systems, succeed in sharing their perspectives and agreeing towards a unification of values in what they accomplish.

Since February 2021, we have been celebrating the 20th anniversary of this Agile movement started by the agile manifesto for agile software development.  A value-driven mindset type of agreement that ended ego wars. We thought.

As my late mentor, Mike Beedle reminded us in New York in 2018: “Above all, we needed to make noise, to awaken the consciousness of decision-makers to a better experience of work and of service to clients”

The agile movement is far from obsolete, I believe it is only the beginning and some of us call it business or organizational agility.  It’s about taking, embracing, and propelling agile values and principles across the business beyond the IT teams.

I have always believed in this movement.  As an entrepreneur who has created several service companies and participated in the creation of products, we have always been more successful by drawing inspiration from agile values and applying lean & agile creation and delivery techniques and systems.

 I believe in it because I did and we almost always succeed.

We especially fail under the influence of one condition: the lack of love (willingness) of people to embrace these values, to truly understand them, and to apply themselves to achieving them surrounded by competent people.

There is such a lack of vision among my agile coach and consultant colleagues who just want to make money, that agility has become a fad like Bitcoin!  Take a good look at these same charlatans who are coming to the crypto market!

This movement of “Fake it till you Make it” is devoid of substance and without any value proposition.  It also confuses leaders of good intentions and turns the core value of the agile movement into a “sausage machine” worse than the conventional systems they wanted to transform.

I’m not the first professional agilist to think this through.

Today I share my introspection in this article with you because I need help.  I need your thought on this as I complete my manifesto, my pivot, and my Next Level Agile.

I proposed a new dawn for our movement,
to the new ways and a new world of business

Like many of us, the year 2020 has brought us to individual and collective introspection that leads, for most of us, in complete transformation or adopting a complete new life, even move out of our homeland.

I am happy with my pivotal experiences in my business.  I am quite optimistic for the future and am grateful to have also been part of the Bitcoin movement since 2009 and more recently of the D3 movement: Decentralized, Distributed and Disrupted (Disruptive) approach to a Greater Reset.

 I deeply believe that:

 1. People and their interactions over processes and tools;

 2. Operational Products and Services more than exhaustive documentation

 3. Collaboration with clients more than contractual negotiation

 4. Responding to change over following a plan

Are universal values beyond the agile movement and which they can inspire us to surpass ourselves personally and collectively.

 This is now what I would like to do and offer with my Next Level Agile.  Much more than just a new service to sell: a complete range of solutions for everyone to transform their life by having new perspectives!

Next Level Agile will be:

  • for Enterprise of any size to hire a consultant/ coach on demand for workshops, facilitation and support in all thing business agility.
  • for Teams within enterprise or other organizational mode where our coach will help them build winning capable team for a smarter way of delivering the work.
  • for Professional (Individually and in small group) to received on demand and planned coaching and support on their career development in agile to transforming their skill and behaviour towards leadership. Agile and Conscious leadership will be teach here.

What do you think of this proposition ? Comment below or reach out to me, I want to ear and listen to you!

To the new Ways and
To your Success with Next Level Agile!

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